Tuesday, 24 January 2012

How to Handle with Care Tritium Exit Signs, Its Harmful Effects

Even though there are simple things about energy, still you cannot avoid making things complex. Usage of tritium exit signs before was rampant in a lot of businesses in order to save cost on exit signs and the energy consumption. These are self luminous products which became popular over time. Basically, people asked over time of how effective this can be? Is it worthy to be used or is it another harmful substance for our environment?

How do you understand tritium?

Talking about it in the world of science, it is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen which can be known also as the Hydrogen-3. In its simplest term, this is used in different items like a basic emergency exit sign. It is a form of gas like substance. However, tritium gas is not being used only in these products. One of its other uses is to be an alternative for carcinogenic radium in many commercially accessible items. It can also be a booster in nuclear weaponry. It is best to have self luminous exit sign.

How safe is tritium?

This is a bit hard to answer. When you speak of tritium only, of course it is safe. When you have this substance, there are no health concerns which can be affected. If and when the radioactive will go inside the body, however, that will be a problem. This is why taking it or disposing it needs careful and cautious handling as much as possible.

Why are these tritium exit signs popular in a lot of buildings?

It became so well known because of the fact that it can neutralize the energy when you will use it. A lot of buildings and schools before used tritium exit signs. People thought of it as very cost effective because of the fact that they don’t need to replace or alter anymore those fuse and bulbs.
How will the tritium exit signs affect the environment?

The tritium exit signs can definitely let you save on the energy consumption, however, the moment you will be disposing it there will be drawbacks that will be expected. The moment it will be taken away from the building, there are harmful elements with it that can cause harm when you inhale it. In order to overcome these, you have to have great prevention measures and disposal so that possible harmful effects can be avoided. There are certified handlers which can do the job for you and avoid and leakage of this tritium.

Can there be other choices you can opt for?

Today, there is the rise of tritium exit signs which replace the tritium usage. There are programs which have been continually presenting the importance of not using tritium anymore because of the possible toxic effects it can give to the environment. It must be replaced with the safer and more feasible choice. The new choice is not only safer but it is also more affordable than the tritium making it more in demand. Our surroundings are the ones affected with the toxic properties of tritium exit signs. It can be harmed the moment you dispose these substances.

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